GT-Alarm is a satellite anti-theft tracking device installed on board of the vehicle and a dedicated APP for management via smartphone. With more than 40,000 customers in Italy, it’s the newest product of one of the most reliable companies in the sector.
Feb – Dec 2019
Mobile App
My Role
UX/UI Designer
Project Lead
My Key Contributions
Generative Research
User Flow
Interaction Desing
I was asked to redesign the GT-Alarm APP from the UI and UX perspective and conduct user research in order to identify new opportunities.
1. Understand
User analysis
Defining personas
User journey
2. Research
User Research
Ideation Workshop
Priorization of Ideas
3. Ideation
User flow
APP architecture
Design System
4. Design
User stories Map
Lo-Fi wireframes
5. Test & Validation
User Testing
In order to shed light upon the real user’s needs and better define the common goals to be pursued, I held the first workshop with the Company CEO, CTO and some representative of the management board.
After I run workshop with different department such as Marketing and Customer Care.
User research analysis most relevant results
1. Too many users actions were needed to check for the vehicle status
2. Last position detection information misleading
3. Some important app sections were hidden
4. Poor App engagement
User journey and personas workshop
Who our users are. What, and how their user journey is. When, and why they interact with the GT-Alarm APP. For example, we identified the “Parents” Personas lending the vehicle to their kids.
Kick-off meeting and Prioritization Workshop
We identified and highlighted four main insights:
User flows
I decided to generate a Design System in order to allow faster and most effective development of the application. I’ve strategically created a core of basic elements and split components into mobile version and desktop version, knowing that the very next project on the table would have been “GT-Fleet”, a web application for Fleet Management.
User Story Map
The User Story map allows both designers and developers to work closely in an Agile environment.
In every sprint refinement celebration developers and designers had the chance to go deeper into every story and discuss issues, dependencies, gaps, and opportunities.
Insight #1
Dashboard with Quick Actions and relevant data widget
Insight #2
Set up a vehicle security distance range and receive a push notification when the vehicle enters or exits that range
Speed Alert
Set the speed limit and receive a push notification when the driver exceeds the limit
Insight #2
Set up a vehicle security distance range and receive a push notification when the vehicle enters or exits that range
Insight #3
Check car tires and monitor their status. Receive a notification when it’s time to change them.
Insight #4
Driver behavior
One of the most recurring feedback emerged from the user testing was about users not understanding why every now and then the vehicle location data displayed on the App weren’t currently updated.
The reason is that, when the vehicle is not running, the device transimts data to the server every two hours in order to save the car’s battery. In those cases, the vehicle location info can’t updated in real time.
The solution we found was forcing data trasmition from the app to the server only if the vehicle location info haven’t been recently updated. To do so, we implemented the “pull and refresh” feature.
GT-Alarm offers a via Operations Center service that can remotely lock the car engine in case of theft.
During the user testing, in a theft simulation scenario, someone from the Operations Center promptly launched the engine lock command. The user as well opened the app and sent the same command, and doing so he killed the first command launched from OC. As a result, the engine lock command was disabled in the end with nasty consequences in case of a real theft attempt.
The solution we’ve found to this issue was the “Pending Status” display mode, showing to both the user and the Operations Center if the remote engine lock is synchronizing with the car, i.e. if the engine lock command has already been launched.